Postal Wizard Enhancements

Postal Wizard Enhancements
Coming March 26, 2017

The Postal Service is changing the “look and feel” of Postal Wizard to create a more user friendly and efficient experience. The overall redesign will deploy in a phased approach with changes to First-Class Mail and USPS Marketing Mail occurring as part of the March 26, 2017 PostalOne! release.

Effective March 26, Postal Wizard users will see simplified postage statements and enhanced functionality which includes:

·         Streamlined data entry as similar functionality will be grouped together
·         Reduced number of screens before submission of the postage statement
·         Improved performance

Mailers will see two new postage statement options (shown below):

·         3600 Simplified – Postage Statement – First-Class Mail Simplified Electronic Form
·         3602 Simplified – Postage Statement – USPS Marketing Mail Simplified Electronic Form

An example of the enhanced functionality includes a four step process to submit a postage statement:

·         Account Information
·         Mailing Details
·         Rates
·         Summary

The new user interface will function across all bowsers including, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome. The enhanced Postal Wizard screens will run parallel to the existing Postal Wizard screens so users can familiarize themselves with the new interface and provide feedback to the Postal Service.

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